Release date | 31/03/2006 |
Contributor | Nkula Mwanza |
Geographical coverage | Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique |
Keywords | Biodiversity, Conservation, Birds, Wildlife, National Parks, Fauna, Flora, Degradation |
The SABSP is a five (5) year Programme that was launched in September, 2000 with the overall goal of ensuring that biodiversity in the region is conserved and utilized in a sustainable manner. The Programme has been extended and will therefore end around June, 2007.
The programme sets out to promote biodiversity conservation in Southern Africa and ensure its sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits by supporting intra-regional and national institutions in developing and co-ordinating activities to protect, understand and restore species and their habitats and to improve the availability and accessibility of biodiversity information. The target beneficiaries of the SABSP are the People, Member Governments, NGO's CBO's, and industries of countries participating in the collaborative programme of activities related to the national implementation of the CBD. Other SADC member states not participating may benefit from the spin off effects from the programme.
The SABSP was reviewed and now focuses on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS).
The project is executed by SADC and funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) /Global Environment Facility (GEF) while IUCN - ROSA serves as the technical adviser to the project.
SABSP being a Regional Programme has a full time Programme Management Unit (PMU) based in Botswana that manages the day to day activities of the project. The PMU is composed of a Programme Manager, a Technical Advisor in IAS, a Technical Advisor in ABS and an Administrative Assistant. There is also the Regional Steering Committee that coordinates the Programme at regional level. The regional steering committee is composed of representatives from the 10 participating countries as well as officials from SADC, UNDP, GEF and IUCN ROSA.
The objective of the Programme is to establish capacity and institutional mechanisms for SADC member to collaborate in regional biodiversity conservation; manage Invasive Alien Species; and to apply principles of Access and Benefit Sharing. In this context therefore, the Programme assists member states to fulfil their obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Project Output 1
Knowledge and information for effective regional collaboration in managing IAS and applying ABS principles generated
- Conduct detailed literature searches on the management of IAS and application of ABS principles
- Carry out experiments or pilot studies on IAS and on ABS
- Develop functional databases and set regional standards for data sets; and
- Develop regional protocols on “best practice” in IAS and ABS
Programme Output 2
Institutional arrangements for promoting effective regional collaboration in managing IAS and applying ABS principles identified and operationalised
- Establish and support national and regional expert groups in IAS and ABS
- Conduct training needs assessments in IAS and ABS
- Carry out institutional analyses to identify Centres of Excellence in IAS and ABS
- Facilitate the approval of recommended Centres of Excellence by SADC structures; and
- Facilitate the implementation of training programmes at the Centres of Excellence
Programme Output 3
A policy and legal environment for promoting effective regional collaboration in managing IAS and applying ABS principles created
- Review national and regional laws and policies and identify areas that hinder regional collaboration in managing IAS and in applying ABS principles; and
- Develop regional instruments that address gaps in current laws and policies
Programme Output 4
Sustainable financing mechanisms for managing IAS and applying ABS principles established
- Conduct pilot activities to establish existing financing mechanisms with emphasis on IAS and ABS
- Promote the mainstreaming of IAS and ABS issues into on – going national, regional and Africa wide initiatives; and
- Draft a long term strategy for financing IAS and ABS activities in the region.
Programme Output 5
A common regional approach to the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources agreed upon
- Develop a Regional Biodiversity Strategy; and
- Convene regional meetings to prepare for meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the CBD
In Zambia, the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources (MTENR) through the Environment & Natural Resources Management Department (ENRMD) coordinates the implementation of SABSP activities through the National Focal Point.
The MTENR has a full time Project Officer to spearhead the implementation of SABSP activities.
There is a National Steering Committee (NSC) which provides policy guidance to the Programme. The committee also reviews and approves reports, budgets and work plans. The NSC is chaired by the Director – ENRMD.
- Initial development of the National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan (NBSAP) monitoring systems
- Biodiversity training needs assessment conducted in 2002
- Awareness workshops of the NBSAP and SABSP conducted in Western and Southern provinces
- Trained Officers in biotechnology and biosafety
- Conducted inventories ( baseline information) on IAS and ABS
- Reviewed national laws and policies and identified areas that hinder national collaboration in managing IAS and in applying ABS principles
- Provided support to getting a common Southern Africa position at International meetings such as the CBD
- Operationalised the national expert roster on IAS and ABS
- Contributed to the development of a Regional Biodiversity Strategy which applies to Zambia as a nation as well
- Constituted National Expert Working Groups on IAS and ABS
- Identified training needs in ABS and IAS
- Identified Centres of Excellence in ABS and IAS
For further information on this programme, click and follow link below: