Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management Project
The project seeks to reduce and possibly remove barriers to the management of IAS through effective implementation of CBD Article 8(h) in four pilot countries (Ethiopia, Ghana, Uganda, Zambia), using a multisectoral ecosystem approach.
Invasive alien species (IAS) are second only to habitat destruction as a cause of global loss. Prevention and mitigation of the effects of IAS is particularly challenging in Africa, impeding sustainable development as well as threatening biodiversity. This project aims to reduce and possibly remove barriers to the management of IAS through effective implementation of CBD Article 8(h) in four pilot countries (Ethiopia, Ghana, Uganda, Zambia), using a multisectoral ecosystem approach. In each country, an enabling policy environment will be promoted through the establishment of appropriate institutional arrangements to ensure that IAS strategies are mainstreamed; stakeholders awareness of IAS issues will be raised and access to necessary information provided; prevention and control programmes will be established, including ecosystem management at pilot sites where IAS threaten biodiversity; capacity for sustainable IAS Management will be built. Lessons learnt will be disseminated for replication in other countries in Africa.