Technical terms

Release date 23/03/2006
Contributor hdekoeijer


BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity is a short form for biological diversity and is defined by IUCN as the variations in biological organisms which occurs at ecosystem, spccies and gene level. Biodiversity is a short form for biological diversity and is defined by IUCN as the variations in biological organisms which occurs at ecosystem, spccies and gene level.
CATCHMENT AREA The area from which rainfall flows into a river, reservoir etc.
CHILA Communal system of hunting Lechwe by the Ila-speaking people on the Kafue flats.
CHITEMENE A system of cultivation which involves loping of tree branches which are then heaped in a circular fashion and burnt to create an ash bed.
DE-CENTRALIZATION The allocation of responsibilities for decision making and operations to lower levels of government, community organizations, the private sector, and NGOs.
ECOSYSTEM A dynamic complex of plant, animal and microorganism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit.
FUNDIKILA A system of cultivation which involves turning the grass and covering it with soil to allow it to decompose.
PROGRAMME A definite plan of intended procedure.
STAKEHOLDER An organization or individual that is concerned with or has an interest in Zambia's biological resources and that would be affected by decisions about biological resource management.
STRATEGY A set of chosen actions to support the achievement of a specified development goal.
WATERSHED The line separating waters flowing into different rivers or basins. Sometimes used inter changeably with catchment area.