National targets

Title Rationale Aichi targets
By 2020, baselines for critical biodiversity is established

establishing baselines for critical biodiversity will inform the conservation measures applied to them

by 2020, biodiversity values have been integrated into the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP), provincial and dist

integration of biodiversity values into the national development planning process will enhance the conservation of biodiversity as there will be a premium placed on them.

By 2020, deforestation rate in Zambia is reduced by at least 25%

Deforestation results in loss of biodiversity and reducing it ensures that Biodiversity is conserved

By 2020, fisheries co-management regimes are established in 60% of all major fisheries

Fisheries co management will help reduce over fishing and loss of fish species

By 2020, Invasive Alien Species (Mimosa pigra, Water Hyacinth, cray fish and lantana camara) and pathways are identified

Invasive Alien Species are a threat o Biodiversity conservation

By 2020, pollution, including excess nutrients from industry (mining, agriculture etc) has been brought to levels that

Pollution, especially excess nutrients from mining and agriculture is detrimental to actuation Biodiversity

By 2020, selected incentives for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use are in place and applied, and the m

incentives can be used as a management tool to regulate utilization of natural resources which affects biodiversity

By 2020, the knowledge, the science base and technologies, relevant to Biodiversity, its values, functions, status and t
By 2020, the traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of local communities relevant to the conservation and sust

Traditional knowledge and innovations are an important component of biodiversity consrrvation

By 2020, Zambia defines and enforces a generic national benefit framework to genetic resources

Fair and equitable access and benefit sharing to genetic resources is important for Biodiversity conservation