National targets

Title Rationale Aichi targets
By 2020, Zambians, especially local communities are aware of, and appreciate the values of biodiversity and the need for

scaling up awareness raising in order to enhance biodiversity conservation

By 2020, Zambias protected area network is rationalized to achieve representativeness and ecological connectivity at la
By 2022, the populations of threatened and endemic species and their protection status has been improved and sustained

Zambia's threaten and endangered species require extra protection to ensure they don't become extinct.

By 2025, areas under agriculture and forestry (forest reserves, parks, Game Management Areas) are managed sustainably, e

Sustainable management of these areas will promote Biodiversity conservation

By 2025, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and of wild relatives, includin

Crop wild relatives are an important component of Afro-Biodiversity in Zambia

By 2025, Zambia mobilizes sufficient internal and external financial resources for the effective implementation of NBSAP

Financial resourcs are required to effectively implement the NBSAP

By 2025, Zambia takes deliberate steps to protect critical ecosystems of the Zambezi, Kafue and the Luangwa Watersheds

These three watershed are important water sources for Zambian and have come under threat thereby threatening actuated species